Eileen Hartley

Classification: 2.0
Shirt Number: 21

About Eileen

Eileen’s journey to becoming a Saracens WCR Player was quite unexpected, and was certainly not a conscious decision. Originally, Eileen only volunteered to attend the Saracens Saturday training sessions, to support her husband, Midge Hartley, who was already a team member. Initially, she was more than happy to help out at training, but was quite adamant that she wouldn’t, under any circumstances, be getting into a wheelchair and taking part...
However, despite these noble and steadfast intentions, at one of the training sessions only seven players turned up, leaving us short and unable to play a 4 v 4 training game. After much pleading, begging and downright bribery, Eileen relented and said she would give it a bash. The training session was quite a revelation. Once she got her bearings, and got used to the contact element, she discovered that she really enjoyed the session, even the fitness shuttles. From this point forward, Eileen started joining in the training sessions every week along with her husband.

Although Eileen enjoyed the training sessions and was improving and learning more and more every week; she didn’t think she was able to play competitively... This situation changed after a conversation with Peter Freeman, when it became evident that Eileen’s previous hip replacement surgery, and pending second operation, due to osteoarthritis, did make her eligible to play.

This culminated in Eileen playing in her first competitive tournament, in 2023 representing Saracens in the WCR 5s National Development League.