School visits

As a club we are pleased to visit local schools as part of their disability awareness curriculum and speak about disability and wheelchair rugby. The sessions form part of the curriculum time and usually include the experience of being in a rugby wheelchair. In addition to our coach we try to take one or two players along. This gives an opportunity for pupils to ask questions of players and to think about different abilities as well as enjoy trying a disability sport.
The sessions typically cover the whole school day with a range of classes from Key Stage 1 to Sixth-Form pupils participating with the activities being adjusted to be appropriate for the ages and abilities of the pupils. So the range of ages from Primary to the end of Senior School.

We usually start with an assembly in which we explain the origins of the sport and how it has been designed to be effective for players and inclusive of a range of functionalities. This also includes an introduction to the players attending and very importantly a safety briefing to make sure everyone has fun and is safe. We want to work with schools to build a world where the barriers and discrimination towards people with different needs and abilities are broken down and all are valued for who they are.

We are pleased to hear from schools who would like us to visit. We do not charge for the visit, but ask that schools meet our costs of transporting the chairs we bring and make a donation to the club funds. As our players and coach are all giving up their time unpaid we do restrict how many schools we can visit. We are also happy to look at providing similar experiences for universities, particularly tying into courses in Sports Sciences, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy and allied health professions. Team building activities can also be provided for commercial entities.
To discuss any of these further please don't hesitate to contact us.