David Ralph

Classification: 1.0
Shirt Number: 1

About David 

My name is David Ralph and I was very active with my Job and sport, both with helping out with my son’s football squash and badminton but due to my spinal problem have been living in a box for the past 12 years as my disability has got worse. I have been walking with crutches and sticks for the same time, could drive but lacked the confidence. If I exercise my legs for 15 minutes a day after a week I am laid up with excessive pain for two. I have to get out and exercise otherwise I put weight on and it’s a viscous circle, excessive weight more pain and effort to reduce my weight.

I have to go out and walk my dogs which I clip their leads, to my belt on my waist which I am finding more difficult to do these days. As I get slower and slower they bring me home. Since I had appointment at Stanmore hospital just before Christmas, I was hovering waiting for my time slot to see the doctor, I picked up a leaflet about Wheelchair Rugby and other sports. I took them back to my wife who was there with me and said what do you think; she replied if you think you can do it have a go.

I came home and looked it all up on the net, found day and times and where they trained. My wife works as a TA at a special needs school so was off for Christmas break. So off down to Aspires we went not knowing it was there last session before the holiday break. I watch them all rushing around in their special chairs and hitting into each other without a care in the world except for give me the ball I want to score. They all had a much better chair to go home in other than the bulky heavy N.H.S wheelchairs that I have been putting off having for years, because they were so heavy and bulky.
I stood and sat next to the team’s mechanic called Doz, he was kind enough to explain the rules and how the game was played. Shortly after the coach Archie came over introduced himself and asked what I had wrong with myself which he could relate to with a lot of experience. Archie said if you’re up to it we will be restarting in the New Year, Mondays 12 to 1500 hours and Wednesday 12 to 1400. You would be most welcome to come along and give it ago.

My wife drove us home, as we were driving along she turn to me and said how are you going to get there when I go back to school, you’ve not driven this far in years let alone gone out on your own without your dog. Well that was the kick start I needed to start a new life and on track again.

My wife and I over the Christmas holiday went out driving and me in the driving seat using my hand controls as my legs are not in control. A few bits of encouragement from my wife and we were off on the road for more independence. By the time my wife had to back to school we had been all over the place, all that was left was to go out on my own, which I didn’t I took my dog for back up.

Came the day to go on my own to Aspire Stanmore, I was very nervous and shell I or should I, well I did. I set off at 10 and drove along at 55MPH as I felt safe at this speed, might take me a bit longer to get there but I felt in control. I got there just before 11 and went up in the lift and got a coffee. At 10 to 12 went down in the lift and was greeted my every one and they made me feel at ease.

Archie ask Doz to go back up to the balcony with me to see if there were any rugby chairs that would fit me; we went through every one even removing side guards for me to get into. I am 6 feet 3 inches tall and weigh in at just over 20 stone, NO luck I was too big in all way. Yes I was disappointed but not down and out. Doz said to me that they had some bigger chairs at Stoke Mandeville; next time I am up there I will pick one up and bring it down here.

I carried on going twice a week to training days watching and following what was going on by the side lines, till that great day in March, when Doz turned up with a rugby chair for me. I had such a rush of excitement, felt like a school kid who had just got a gold star for the first time. I sat into it but still too tight, Doz got me out of the chair and said come on let’s take the side guards out pump the tyres up and get you started. That was it yes the tyres were rubbing on my trouser but so what freedom and playing sport again.

Since March I have been back to the consultant twice and told me that the operation I had reversed in January 2009 was done wrong other operation was done in February 2007.when I told her that the walking has got slower one with pain and also legs giving way and I was feeling that I have more mobility when I am playing wheelchair rugby. I have more scope and can do more in a chair than on those crutches which I’ve been on since 2005 She suggested I go to my GP and get the ball rolling by asking for forms to wheelchair services and promise her to use my sticks and crutches in doors and the wheelchair outside.

I have got as far as a credit voucher from NHS wheelchair services, but was advised to go to Draft wheelchair service for measuring and picking off a chair suitable for my needs by the team player as they look after the whole teams needs, which I have done but lack in founds to purchased. I take my dog everywhere as a assistant dog which I have trained myself due to not having the confidence to go out on my own. I have asked for a third wheel which would attach to the foot plate and raise up the two front jockey wheel off the ground enabling me to walk my dogs off road and in the park without getting stuck in the mud, thus give me more independence and freedom on getting around.

Ralph came from London WRC to help with that first session of SWRC and stayed! He has been an integral member of the development of SWRC and is our Welfare Officer. To paraphrase President Reagan in his election campaign we reckon Ralph would say “Age shouldn’t be an issue, I refuse to make the youth and inexperience of my opponents an issue. I’m here to win!".