Born out of a recognised need for a strongly structured, sustainable and successful wheelchair rugby club in the Herts/North London area.

About us

The Club formed a new direction for Saracens and the Saracens Foundation, providing competitive and recreational sports opportunities for individuals with a physical disability in wheelchair sport. The Club trains most Saturdays between 1 and 4 p.m. at Birchwood Leisure Centre, Hatfield, AL10 0AN.




"Sport has played an important role in Mac’s recovery journey, and wheelchair rugby grabbed him from the start. The opportunity to give it a try at the Invictus Games trials opened a new door for him, making team sports a possibility. Once he’d found his sport, he needed a team, and when Saracens welcomed him, I could see he’d found his rugby family.
Saracens have players with a wide range of abilities and experience, which they use to support and coach each other. Focusing on strengths and how to blend them to form a strong team, and possibilities rather than obstacles, has definitely had an impact on Mac. When he’s been playing, he’s happier, more determined and certainly more confident."


"Saracens Wheelchair Rugby Club has given so much to my son, Charlie. It has provided him with the physical and social outlet that is enjoyed so naturally by his able bodied contemporaries. Wheelchair sports just are not available in schools and are limited in wider society, despite all the benefits they bring. Physical exercise, teamwork, communication, camaraderie, independence and enjoyment are critical life skills that all sports bring.
Saracens Wheelchair Rugby Club provides all of these in abundance to a community who would otherwise be largely excluded from their benefits. I have seen my son grow incredibly as a person. He is stronger, happier and feels part of something that is really important. As a parent, I cannot thank SWRC enough for everything they have done in making him feel so welcome."



"Some years ago my son Julian, who was a paraplegic having had an accident, contracted sepsis and was hospitalised for months. When he returned to his home he appeared to have lost a lot of determination, physical and mental strength then he discovered Wheelchair Rugby.
Being with friends, playing a sport he had enjoyed has completely transformed him. He now has more energy and has got his mojo back and wants to help promote the sport. As a parent I am very thankful to the club he has joined and would ask for any help you are able to give which will help expand wheelchair rugby helping to boost physical and mental strength for all ages and genders."


"Our son has been a member for about 5 years. He started training with the club when it started running with just a handful of members and he has rarely missed training on a Saturday since. Jack has always been a big sports fan and from a very young age he has tried different wheelchair sports, some team and solo sports, but due to lacking in confidence and high anxiety he struggled to find a true love of the sports he was playing. He joined SWRC and, at first, he struggled with the same, but it wasn’t long before his confidence grew and I honestly think that was down to the other team members.
Jack was the youngest player when the club started and his team mates took him under their wing, they helped him build his confidence and taught him all about the game. The club has grown over the last 5 years and it has been so amazing meeting new members and being part of the SWRC family and it has been even more amazing watching Jack play in this truly incredible sport. His love of wheelchair rugby and being part of this team has given him a true sense of belonging, a purpose. I believe that wheelchair rugby is keeping Jack physically fit, but more than anything it is boosting his mental health through being a valued member of an incredible team of people."

Saracens Foundation’s core statement

‘Inspiring communities and changing lives through the power of sport’

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